Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology

Médecine > Spécialités médicales

Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology

Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology (formerly Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique: title change in january 2011) publishes high quality papers in the field of hepatology and gastroenterology in English language.

Périodicité : bimestriel
Nb numéros : 6
Durée : Abonnement 12 mois - 6 n° (tarif étudiant)
Prix Kiosque : 810.00 €
Prix Réduit : 136.00 €
Gain : 83%


The editors put the accent on rapid communication of new research and clinical developments and so called "hot topic" issues.
Following a clear Editorial line, besides original articles and case reports, each issue features editorials, commentaries, a seminar, mini-reviews, pictorial reviews and several keynotes.
The journal encourages research and discussion between all those involved in the specialty on an international level.
Articles in press are online and indexed in the international databases (Current Contents, Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct).

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